Tuesday, March 2, 2010


"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like one of these children is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:4

There is so much to discuss about this verse.

When you look at the verses of the Bible that tell us to be like children, you can see that this commandment has nothing to do with becoming immature, but has everything to do with lessening our self-importance to magnify our reliance on our Father for everything.

We need to rely on Him for our every need, from our desires to very lives! As we rely on our Father for our wants and our needs, we will find that we are never disappointed. Our needs are met, each and every one. Our wants are also met, for the things we want cease to be the material things and the lusts of our hearts, but we crave the discipline, the relationship, the growth and the security that come from a close bond with our Father.

In my own experience i have tasted the Lord's love in many ways. From my childhood my mother taught me to rely on God for everything. Everything means everything. As a kid i used to ask my parents for toys, chocolates etc etc. But my mom will say only one word "pray" the Lord will provide. So with all innocence i will pray and wait for something to happen. And finally i would receive what i asked.

It was the simple faith, trust in the God unseen and a simple prayer from a humble heart was all that was needed for me to get what i desired. But do i have the same level of faith and trust in God now? Am i ready to surrender my dreams and wishes to HIM, the sovereign Lord? Am i patient enough to pray and wait for HIM to answer? But these are the things the Lord will except from me even when i am 80 years old. He will except me to be like a child at heart.

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